We released our own book covering the Triangulation exhibition. In this book, we tell the story of our collective, our methods and the exhibition which highlights the artworks ‘AR Graffiti’, ‘Once is Never’ and ‘Tane’.

titel van de afbeelding
titel van de afbeelding
titel van de afbeelding


  • Type
  • Book
  • Exhibition
  • Triangulation by WERC
  • Erasmus House 13 October - 15 January 2023
  • Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Photo credit
  • Knelis
  • Publication
  • Harapan Prima, Jakarta

  • Text
  • Lara Harbers
  • Translation
  • Faiza Muhamad and Hugo Heinen
  • Design
  • WERC
  • With special thanks to
  • Sander Daams, Yolande Melsert, Bob Wardhana, Jaef de Boer, Björn Duys, Oxalis Atindriyaratri, Gideon Sapulete, Denny Effinda, Sugiarto, Ali Sukarto, Bradly-Dunn Klerks

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